Friday, March 12, 2010

Reading Response: Art & Fear

"The fear that you are only pretending to do art is the (readily predictable) consequence of doubting your own artistic credentials."

Sometimes when I do work that turns out good I think that it is just luck. It can be especially bad when the next piece of art I produce is not so good as the one that I did before. It can make me doubt my skill as an artist.

"If you think good work is synonymous with perfect work, you are headed for big trouble. Art is human; error is human; ergo, art is error."

I often struggle with art when I am just beginning a new project. I do a lot of portraits, and usually I start them with a gesture drawing that is just composed of a bunch of scribbles. I know that it is supposed to be a bunch of scribbles. I still find my self chucking the gesture and starting over. It needs to be perfect on the first try for me, I don't usually find my self completely reworking piece even though I should be. I would probably make better art that way.

"But while others' reactions need not cause problems for the artist, they usually do. The problems arise when we confuse others' priorities with our own."
I usually have an idea in my head of what I want to create, or I happily stumble upon it. Sometimes what other people think I should do interrupts that.

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