Thursday, April 8, 2010

Reading Response: Seven Days in the World

This week you're reading an excerpt Seven Days in the World. On your blog write a short personal response to what you've read. Any revelations? Surprises? Can you imagine yourself participating in a crit like the one described here?

I was really surprised to find how tense a crit can be. i was impressed that the artists were able to tell the crit group exactly what they were trying to represent and they were really the ones in charge of their own crit. the other artists really dont talk until they hear was the artist has to say about his/her work. thats awesome. this makes them understand the piece before completely judging it. i think that if we did crits like that, targeting specific questions, it would be more helpful. the only problem is, sometimes i dont really plan ahead and know the meaning of my own work. i feel like it just works itself out sometimes. i dont usually think, i just create and see where it takes me. I am not sure i can ever see myself participating in a crit like this. honestly, that kind of scares me. i would just be incredibly stressed out by it! plus, i dont see my work being at that level at all.

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